At Folkehøgskolen Sørlandet you'll get the opportunity to grow as a person in an international environment. Our school is varied in terms of courses and people attending, meaning you'll definitely meet people who are different from you - and definitely meet people who share your interests too. We see this as valuable, because we believe it's important to meet and make friends with people who you normally wouldn't interact with. In addition to our International course, we have courses surrounding sports, health, travelling, cars and mechanics, digital creativity, football, and team building. Throughout the year you will also have some electives alongside the classes with your course teacher. These subjects can be anything - from knitting, to workouts, to painting, to cooking. There will be plenty to choose from, and you'll have several through the year. In the electives you'll meet students from other courses, and different teachers too.
This is our Classroom - check it out! (It's a 3D-model):
Living together with this many different people, and on a varied schedule, makes for a great opportunity for learning and for friendships to be made.A school year at a folk high school lasts for 9 months. We begin in August - excited and a bit nervous, and end in May - with our hearts full, sad that it's over already. The schedule is varied, but you always have some form of class Monday to Saturday. The school has no upper age limit, however most Norwegian people choose to attend this school prior to studying. Meaning the majority of the students here are between 19 and 24 years old.
The school is located in Birkeland, a town in the far South of Norway, quite close to the coast. But because we are not situated directly at the coastline we are more likely to have snow in the winter!
In addition to learning the language, we'll teach you about Norwegian culture and society. Music, food, traditions, nature, and much more! In class we'll get to know each other through games, discussions and projects, and we welcome you to share your culture with us too!