APR (312)

School year 2024/25

Here we gather information for the school year of 2024/25.

Skoleruta 2024/25

Total prices for our different courses, the school year of 2024-25

Linje Total price Pris etter lån og stipend er trukket fra *
ALL-IN -It's an adventure 137.900,-  Lån og stipend dekker hele kostnaden
Bil og Motor 135.000,-  Lån og stipend dekker hele kostnaden
Experience - reise, trene, mat 155.500,- 17.593,-
Fantasy - Fra Hobbiton til Hogwartz 153.800,- 15.890,-
Globalt Fokus - Til Stede 151.000,- 13.090,-
Internasjonal - Catch Norway 123.500,- Lån og stipend dekker hele kostnaden
Multisport Travel 142.500,- 4.590,-

* Loan and fund for the school year of2024-25 is 137 907,- NOK (Fund = 55 162,- Loan = 82 745,-). 

Read more about the condition here.


The total price includes, among other things:

  • Enrollment fee of 2,600 NOK
  • Get-to-know-you trip to Denmark at the start: Rønbjerg
  • Board and lodging in a double room (all have an attached shower).
  • 4 meals on weekdays, 3 on weekends.
  • Use of washing machines and dryers.
  • Wireless and wired network.
  • Common expenses such as internet, electricity, travel insurance, school ID, use of common equipment, etc.
  • Shorter trips with the whole school: Archipelago trips, etc.
  • Access to great facilities most of the week: Sports hall, swimming pool, gymnasium, LAN room, car workshop, the school’s own café, sound studio, arts and crafts room, cinema, dormitory lounges, billiards, table tennis, common living room.
  • 7.000 NOK for an optional group trip. This covers, among other things, a trip to Copenhagen if you choose this trip.

The following trips are also included:


  • ALL IN: Italy, Hovden and many small trips
  • Bil og Motor: Germany
  • Globalt Fokus: East-Africa (Rwanda, Unganda and Kenya) and an offline-week
  • Experience - reise, trene, mat: Italy and Kenya
  • Fantasy: Fra Hobbiton til Hogwartz: New Zeland
  • Multisport: New York, Fuerteventura (The Canary Island), Hovden
  • Internasjonal: Røros and Trondheim, and smaller trips in the south of Norway: Mountain, cabin trip etc 

Other expences

Electable school trip. Choose among: 

Read about the trips here.

Single Room

For a single room, an additional fee of NOK 3,800-8,000 per year is charged, depending on the type of room. Note: The school has a limited number of single rooms.


The additional cost for special diets is as follows:

  • Celiac disease (NOK 8,000)
  • Lactose intolerance (NOK 0)
  • Vegetarian (NOK 0)
  • Other significant diets (NOK 5,600) Note: Unfortunately, we do not have the possibility to offer a vegan diet.


In the first payment to the school, around August 20th, students also pay a deposit for the room and key totaling NOK 1,300. This deposit is refunded at the end of the year when the key is returned, and the room is cleaned.


The teaching at the school is free. However, materials for some elective subjects may cost extra. Read about our elective subjects here.


Cost for the school year 2024-25 - more detailed.

Course Bording fees Shared expenses Course expenses Enrollment fees Total
-It's an adventure
87 400 17 500 30 400 2 600 137 900
Bil og Motor 87 400 17 500 27 500 2 600 135 000
- Reise, trene mat
87 400 17 500 48 000 2 600 155 000
- Fra Hobbiton til Hogwarts
87 400 17 500 46 300 2 600 153 800
Globalt Fokus
- Til stede
87 400 17 500 43 500 2 600 151 000
- Catch Norway
87 400 17 500 16 000 2 600 123 500
Multisport 87 400 17 500 35 000 2 600 142 000



What to bring when you come to us in August?

Regarding the rooms:

  • Room allocation – the lists will not be published until the start of school.
  • Single rooms are prioritized for those with a medical reason for needing one.
  • The rooms are furnished with a bed, nightstand, desk, and wardrobe. There isn’t much space for clothes in the wardrobes. Feel free to bring bed rollers for storage under the bed frames. The height of the beds varies from 19-23 cm.
  • Feel free to bring some decorations to make your room more personal and cozy.
  • Bring a duvet and pillow (in addition to bed linen and sheets).
  • At the school, you will have access to cleaning supplies needed to keep your room clean: We have mop stands, cloths, and soaps needed to keep the room clean.
  • If you want to use a vacuum cleaner, you must bring one yourself. We don’t have carpets in the rooms, so you can manage without one.
  • Remember to bring towels as well.
  • We have two laundry rooms available for students. Bring detergents for washing your own clothes.
  • Most beds are 90 cm wide, some are 80 and 75 cm.
  • Bring your own padlock for storage.

Feel free to read this article about what might be useful to bring when attending a folk high school.

General items to bring (applies to all students):

  • Sleeping bag (doesn’t need to be an extreme version) and sleeping mat.
  • Good outdoor clothing, we recommend:
    • Rainwear
    • Windproof clothing
    • Good hiking shoes
    • Wool underwear
    • Workout clothes (for both outdoor and indoor use)

What the different lines need:

ALL-IN – It’s an adventure

  • Workout clothes and shoes for both indoor and outdoor use.
  • Backpack for day trips/excursions.
  • Valid passport until May 3, 2025.
  • If you have a special hobby that requires special equipment, feel free to bring it.
  • And of course: A positive attitude and lots of good humor :-)

Car and Motor

  • Work clothes, safety shoes, hearing protection, and flashlight (can be obtained cheaply through the school).

Experience: Travel, Train, Food

  • Workout clothes.
  • Running shoes for indoor use.
  • Running shoes for outdoor use.
  • Backpack, 60-80 liters (Kenya trip).
  • Valid passport until August 22, 2025.

Fantasy: From Hobbiton to Hogwarts

  • Passport valid until September 7, 2025.
  • A set of D&D dice.
  • Daypack.
  • Books, movies, comics, and games within the fantasy genre you like.
  • Computer or something to write by hand.
  • Drawing materials or other hobby equipment you use.
  • Cat, owl, or frog (by agreement with the line teacher).

Global Focus

  • Workout clothes.
  • Running shoes for indoor use.
  • Running shoes for outdoor use.
  • Backpack, 60-80 liters.
  • Valid passport until August 22, 2025.

International – Catch Norway

  • Outdoor clothing, sleeping bag, daypack, winter clothing for winter.


  • Workout clothes and shoes for indoor and outdoor use.
  • Valid passport until November 1, 2025.

School trip to Ecuador

  • Valid passport until October 11, 2025.

A normal school week consists of specialized subjects, common subjects, and seminars.

In practice, this means that you naturally have the most hours in your specialized subjects. Typically, the number of specialized subject hours is 14 hours per week. All of Monday, Thursday, and Friday are dedicated to time with just your specialized subjects. In addition to specialized subject hours, we also have common subjects.

The schedule is available on the FHS app. You will receive your username and password from the inspector at the start of school.

Additionally, we have focus weeks. These can be trips:

  • Trips with your specialized subject or the school
  • Elective subject weeks
  • Specialized subject weeks