Join us in East Africa! A journey you’ll remember for a lifetime. A month-long trip through three countries. Be inspired and challenged. With powerful stories and a high hakuna matata factor.

East Africa

In winter, we embark on a 4-week journey through Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya, spiced with safaris and white beaches. You’ll get to know the locals well. We meet and hear from survivors of the Rwandan genocide, learning about reconciliation and forgiveness. In Uganda, we live and participate in daily life at a children’s and youth home. Kenya offers inspiration through encounters with people working among the least privileged. Safari in Simba-land. We end the trip with a stay in magical Lamu, a cultural coastal gem. Sailing. Snorkeling. Beach!

The trips will challenge you and, above all, be filled with magical moments that will last a lifetime.

At school, we work on:

  • Psychology: Understanding our own and others’ thoughts. Personality tests. How to approach new perspectives from classmates and cultures. Human dignity, thoughts, diversity and identity, prejudices, conflicts, and human dignity.
  • Peace: Role models and sources of inspiration in peace work: Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, etc. We explore and learn about theories in conflict understanding, conflict management, and reconciliation work.
  • Activity: Physical activity for both physical and mental health.
  • Cooking: Exploring cultures through dishes from around the world.
  • Offline: A taste of digital detox. Cabin trip without mobile phones and watches. Slower pace. We cook good food and strengthen our bonds with each other.

Benefits of the year
Former students are clear that the year makes you more resilient, has made it easier to relate to many types of people, and has provided them with valuable experience for work and travel abroad.

Samhold på offline-uke med Globalt Fokus

The program is suitable for you:

  • if you are adventurous and want to learn more about the world
  • if you are curious about human psychology

Here is a selection of what the year will give you:

  • Gratitude
  • Understanding
  • Inspiration
  • Tools for resilience
  • Tools for managing and resolving conflicts
  • Memories for life

The program can be useful and inspiring for those considering studying psychology, child welfare, biology, English, social anthropology, development studies, management, tourism, social sciences, social work, political science, police work, teaching, and nursing.

Our expectations of you

  • You are curious about the world
  • You contribute to creating a good class environment
  • You participate in the teaching and activities of the program
  • You follow the vaccination requirements for the places we will travel
  • You treat the people we meet on our travels with respect

For 4 weeks, we embark on an inspirational and experiential journey to Rwanda, Uganda, and Kenya with close cultural and human encounters.

You will get to know Martin well, our local co-leader, who has attended a folk high school in Norway, speaks good Norwegian, and knows both our and the local culture well.

Film from Spring 2023: The trip to Rwanda and Uganda

Rwanda and Uganda (approximately 2 weeks)

You will experience a very lush Rwanda and Uganda. In Rwanda, the focus will be on the 1994 genocide, and through meetings with witnesses, we gain insight into how the country is rising through forgiveness and reconciliation. In Uganda, the focus will be on cultural encounters. We live with children and youth associated with a project run by local enthusiasts.

Kenya (approximately 2 weeks)

Together with the program “Experience: Travel, Exercise, Food”

In Kenya, you will experience the city and its diversity. We meet people and organizations with a burning passion for those who have the least. There will be markets, private homes, exotic flavors, baby elephants, giraffes, safaris, snorkeling, and beaches in magical Lamu by the Indian Ocean.

The trip varies somewhat from year to year. Some of the plans for 2025 include:

  • Focus on Rwanda now, and the history of the 1994 genocide.
  • Focus on forgiveness and reconciliation. Meeting with the people.
  • Cultural exchange with children and youth in Uganda
  • Public transport on the road
  • The city of Nairobi
  • Meeting with inspiring people
  • Elephant orphanage
  • Markets with bargaining
  • Safari in Amboseli
  • The city of Nairobi
  • Sailing, sand, and snorkeling in magical Lamu

Our local guide has attended a folk high school in Norway, speaks good Norwegian, and knows both our and the local culture well. Get to know Martin here:


You need to bring this equipment yourself:

  • Workout clothes
  • Backpack, 60-80 liters
  • Sleeping bag
  • Clothes and shoes for outdoor trips in Norwegian nature
  • Clothes and shoes for the trip to East Africa
  • Passport valid until August 15, 2026 (September 29 if you are going to Ecuador)

This equipment is recommended:

  • Sleeping bag liner
  • Impregnated mosquito net

Group Trip to Denmark

At the beginning of the school year, the entire school travels to Rønbjerg Feriecenter in Denmark. On this trip, we get to know each other well and lay the foundation for a good and safe community that continues when we return to Sørlandet. A very nice start to the year!

International Trip Across Courses

Later, at the beginning of spring, the entire school goes on a trip at the same time, but to different destinations. You choose one of four options and travel with students from other courses. These trips are rich in content in their own way and offer impressions, human encounters, and experiences you will greatly enjoy! One of the trips is included in the school fee, so it doesn’t cost extra to join. The other trips cost extra.

Everyone chooses one of three options for the international trip across courses. These are arranged simultaneously. You make your choice after you have started at the school.

The trips will be arranged around March 2026.

More information about all the trips will be provided before you choose which trip you want to go on. You can read more about all the trips here.

With us, you become part of a large, inclusive environment where everyone gets to know each other – of course, across different courses. That’s why we prioritize being together.

  • Overnight trip in the Archipelago (Havglimt!)
  • Trip to Denmark with the whole group
  • Mountain hike
  • Various tournaments
  • Large common room to hang out in during free time
  • Special weeks where we mix classes based on what you want to contribute:
    • Practical work
    • Adventure forest for 1st grade at the local primary school
    • Entertainment show for parents
    • Learning to manage sound and light
    • Filming/photography
  • Many leisure activities to choose from – often something happening every day.
  • Night hike in the moonlight
  • Christmas workshop
  • Cozy evenings
  • Hall activities
  • Super enjoyable student evenings

Price for the school year 2024-25

Course costs: 43,500 NOK

Total price for the entire school year: 156 600 NOK *

*If you are eligible for loans and grants, and take them out for the school year 24-25, it amounts to 137,907 NOK (grant = 55,162 NOK, loan = 82,745 NOK)

The total price includes, among other things:

  • Enrollment fee of 2.800 NOK
  • Group trip with the entire school to Denmark
  • Board and lodging in a double room (all have an attached shower)
    • 4 meals on weekdays, 3 on weekends
    • Use of washing machines and dryers
    • Wireless and wired network
  • Course trip to Oslo and northwards by train to Trøndelag to experience fantastic Norway!
  • Common expenses such as internet, electricity, travel insurance, school ID, use of common equipment, etc.
  • Shorter trips with the whole school: Archipelago trips, etc.
  • Access to great facilities most of the week: Sports hall, swimming pool, gymnasium, LAN room, car workshop, the school’s own café, sound studio, craft room, cinema room, dormitory lounges, billiards - table tennis tables, common living room.
  • 7.000 NOK for an optional group trip. Covers, among other things, a trip to Copenhagen if you choose this trip.

Additional costs

  • Single room (between 5.000 NOK and 10.000 NOK for the entire school year)
  • Diets *: Celiac disease 8.400 NOK extra (for the whole year). Other significant diets: 5.250 NOK (for the whole year)
  • Optional trips if you want to join trips to England or or Ecuador

*Vegetarian diet and lactose-free food cost nothing extra.

Apply now


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School trip with Global Focus
Offline week

Cabin trip to get to know each other better. A week without phones, watches, and music.

C Peace 6
School Trip Global Focus
Rwanda & Uganda

First part of the trip to East Africa. 2 weeks focusing on the genocide in Rwanda and volunteer work in Uganda.

1 C Lamu 1
School trip with Experience and Global Focus

We're embarking on an inspirational and experiential journey to Kenya, filled with close cultural and natural experiences.

Til Insta
Whole school outing!
Group trip to Denmark

The entire school travels together to a holiday center in Denmark, providing numerous opportunities for activities and building friendships.

Copenhagen Ga0685979a 1920
Optional trip

Experience the capital of Denmark! Stay centrally in the city center, with access to everything Copenhagen has to offer!

Skoletur HTV England (5)
Optional trip

Join us on an eventful journey you won’t soon forget! We travel across England, from the port city of Liverpool to the capital, London. Experience a musical, Stonehenge, Oxford University, Silverstone Racetrack, and the city of London itself! This is a trip for those who want to see and experience a lot!

Optional trip
Ecuador & Galápagos

Join us on a truly unique journey, filled with meaningful encounters, local guides, and absolutely stunning scenery!