IMG 7998

FAQ - frequently asked questions

Here we have answered typical questions that students want to know. If you don't find the answer to your question, please feel free to contact us at (!

All rooms come furnished with a bed, wardrobe space, laundry basket, desk, and bedside table. If you desire anything additional beyond this, as long as it doesn't compromise fire safety, there are possibilities to accommodate your request!

Yes, there is internet in all rooms - both wireless and the option to connect to a wired network. Ethernet cables can be purchased at the office.

Yes, you can - but how much you actually want to sit in your room and watch TV is a whole different matter!

Yes, you can! There are plenty of space on the school premises.

No, you do not have to be. We aim to meet all students with respect - regardless of whether you have a personal Christian faith or not. In fact, most of the students who come to us are not Christians.

For all students, there are 2 hours of "Christian faith" on the timetable every week. Every day after lunch, we have something called "mid-day assembly". Here you receive practical information about the school day, but also a short word for the day. Typically, these words have a Christian content.

Additionally, there are voluntary Christian activities that you can participate in. For example, Tuesday meetings and the student fellowship. Perhaps you want to start a worship team? - Or you can join a Bible study and discussion group.

Two grocery stores are located right next to the school (NB: All the food you need is included in the school fee, but maybe you one day would like to buy som candy og prepare a meal together with your friends. In the nearest one, you'll also find the village's post office. Just 50 meters away, there is a pharmacy outlet that handles orders if you need something specific. The village library is also located within a short distance from the school.

If you need anything else, we'd be surprised if you couldn't find it at Sørlandssenteret, which is a 20-minute drive from the school.

No, it is not. The school is only closed during holidays. During the weekends, the normal activities at the school are reduced, but you are still free to stay. Meals and facilities are still available.

Each year, we have up to 8 "stipendiates" who help make the school year even better! - Among other things, they organize various activities throughout the year. Friday quizzes, Saturday evenings, and weekday afternoon activities are some examples of tasks they undertake! In many ways, they are considered regular students - but they have an extra responsibility to help ensure that students have a great year!

Every day, there is a staff member responsible for supervision at the school. This person is available to help if a situation arises - and takes rounds around the school premises to ensure everyone is doing well! The supervising teacher stays overnight at the dormitory, and is called "tilsynsvakt".

Duvet, pillow, bedding, crates for storing equipment, padlock for the storage room, and any equipment required for your course (this list will be posted on the website in the spring semester).