Galapagos 5

Admission 2025/26

You have probably come here because you are either considering applying or you have just submitted an application. Here you will find information about the application/admission process, all the way until offers are sent out. If anything is unclear, please contact us, and we will make the information even clearer.

We have to admit, our english version of our page are still under construction. We use CoPilot (AI) for translation. So please, if you are missing some information, find information you don't understand, or get confused of, please contact us.

The information of the admission schedule, regarding "after you got an offer for a study place", specially those of you that need a VISA, are planned to come on this page.

When can I apply?

Applications for folk high schools in Norway open on October 15th. Feel free to contact us before then for more information.

What happens after I apply?

Once you have applied, you will receive a confirmation that we have received your application via SMS and email. Applications will be processed continuously, but we will not be able to provide any responses before November 15th. This is a common start date for all folk high schools. If you apply after November 15th, applications will be processed continuously.

What happens if I receive an offer?

If you receive an offer from us, you can expect a phone call. If we cannot reach you by phone, we will send you an SMS. The offer will be sent digitally via email and physically by post. You will have 12 days to respond to the offer.

Velkommen til Folkehøgskolen Sørlandet

Contact information

When can I apply?

Applications for folk high schools in Norway open on October 15th. Feel free to contact us before then for more information.

What happens after I apply?

Once you have applied, you will receive a confirmation that we have received your application via SMS and email. Applications will be processed continuously, but we will not be able to provide any responses before November 15th. This is a common start date for all folk high schools. If you apply after November 15th, applications will be processed continuously.

What happens if I receive an offer?

If you receive an offer from us, you can expect a phone call. If we cannot reach you by phone, we will send you an SMS. The offer will be sent digitally via email and physically by post. You will have 10 days to respond to the offer.

Application Procedures at the School

The earlier you apply, the greater the chance you have of getting a place. Applications can be made via our website and at Applications for the 2025/26 school year can be submitted from October 1, 2024. However, you can, in principle, apply at any time, and applications for a school year are registered continuously at the school’s reception. We have no deadline for when you must apply. Admissions start on November 15 and continue as long as we have available places in the courses (this means we start sending out offers for school places on November 15, but it is also fine to have submitted the application before admissions begin). Criteria for admission:

  • Applicants must be 18 years old during the calendar year the school year starts. For 2025/26, this means 18 years old by December 31, 2025.
  • Applicants with special needs for accommodation must specify this in the application. Only a limited number of places are offered in each course for students with special needs.
  • Foreign applicants must either:
    • Communicate well in English
    • Or have a Norwegian contact person
  • School places are mainly offered based on the order in which applications are received, but the school reserves the right to prioritize applicants based on gender and motivation.
  • Applicants must be motivated to participate in the school’s learning program.
  • Applicants who are much older than the main group may be deprioritized.

Please go to this website, and see what is required to get a student permit at folk high schools for citizens from your country.

Information about student permit at The Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI)

If you are a Schengen-citizen you don't need a VISA for studying in Norway. Make sure you bring the necessary document, and register at the police after your arrival in Norway.



Information for students 2025/26

If you are going to be a student in 2025/26 and have question, send them to us, and we will answer them as best we can. Answers that is not already answered, we will publish here.

Shared trips

With shared trips, counts trips that includes everyone. These are the planned trips:

  • Havglimt - seaside trips in Lillesand: In the beginning and the end of the year.
  • Denmark: Week 37 or 38.

Optional trips

You will choose between three elective trips: Ecuador, England and Copenhagen (Denmark). They are planned in the weeks before Easter, so about week 12 and 13.

Course's trips

The trips with your course are done with your course. Sometimes more than one course are travelling together. Here are only trips with several nights mentioned:

• All in: Destinasjon X is flexible, so this is something they plan together with their teacher.
• Digital Nomad: Japan. During the fall, between the autumn break and christmas. Europa: During 2nd semester.
• Experience: Italy. During the weeks after autumn break. Kenya. Aprox. 29th of January to 12th of February
• Fantasy:New Zealand. During the 2nd semester.
• Global Focus: Offline. During the weeks after autumn break. East-Africa. Aprox. 15th of January to 12th of February.
• International: Middle of Norway. During the weeks after autumn break
• Multisport Ball: England. Beginning of February. New York during the 2nd semester.
• Multisport Pulse: Fuerteventura. During the weeks after autumn break. Hovden in beginning of February. New York during the 2nd semester.